{ JaeHo Yongwonhi }
The mother community for all things JaeHo -- includes all real material in relation to JaeHo.

{ JaeHo Detox }
The aegi community for all things JaeHo -- includes all fan created material in relation to JaeHo.
{ Destined }
A fanlisting for the friendship and or relationship between Kim Jaejoong and Jeong Yunho.

{ Amore Visivo }
A JaeHo gallery. Six albums with full ranking and commenting abilities; no signup required.
{ Fictatious }
A fanfic archive for fiction posted at the JaeHo Detox and JaeHo Yongwonhi communities.

{ JaeHo Multimedia }
A website made for the purpose of distributing various JaeHo clips and or fanmade music videos.